BME-BUET wins 3rd prize in the Advanced Material track of IUPC 2022

BME-BUET wins 3rd prize in the Advanced Material track of IUPC 2022

BME-BUET student Nondita Datta (BME16), secured the 3rd position in the advanced material track of the International Undergraduates Poster Competition (IUPC 2022) among submissions from around the world. The event was organized by the School of Biomedical and Health Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, held on 29th – 30th June 2022 offering various tracks for undergraduate final year projects to join this International Undergraduate Poster Competition including 1. Information System & Network, 2. Computational method, 3. Biosciences, 4. Advanced Material, 5. Instrumentation and Devices, 6. Safety. The winning poster was titled “Sodium alginate nanoparticle depot for sustained release of multiple drugs”. The project was supervised by Dr. M Tarik Arafat, Professor, BME, BUET.

Nanoparticles provide unique advantages in the field of drug delivery, such as targeted delivery, sustainability, cellular uptake etc. Proper combination of nanoparticle properties and drug types can lower the required amount of medication by ensuring lower drug wastage. Moreover, sustained dual drug delivery reduces the number of interventions and eventually results in a shorter recovery period. The team is now working towards the clinical translation of the project.



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